Lucifer as a proper name is used ONCE in the entire Bible. To be sure, the Vulgate uses lucifer in other places (Job 11:17--Job 38:32--Psalms 110:3--2nd Peter 1:19) but what one finds is the following translations: though shall be as the morning; Mazzaroth [constellations], morning, and morning star, respectively.
Lucifer's one appearance is at Isaiah 14:12; "How art thou fallen from heaven O Lucifer, son of the morning." Problem is, if you actually read from the beginning of the chapter, you'll see it is the King of Babylon who is being discussed. Verse 4 makes this absolutely clear. "That thou shalt take up this proverb against the king of Babylon and say, How hath the oppressor ceased! the golden city ceased!"
To understand the confusion, we have to start with the Hebrew: helel ben shahar is the text (shining one, son of the dawn). The Greek rendition was heosphoros (dawn bringer). And the Latin, lucifer. (light bearer) All three are references to the planet Venus. Only later in the Christian tradition did lucifer become a proper name. (Lucifer)
So, Beelzabub was a Canaanite god and Lucifer was a Babylonian king. Where the hell are all the devils?
To Be Continued
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