Thursday, January 29, 2015

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Aspects of God

I talk in both the web and blog sections of "aspects of God." Lets view some biblical accounts to better understand what I mean. Genesis chapter 18 portrays Abraham receiving 3 visitors on the "plains of Mam-re." One is God, the other two angels. God informs Abraham he is going to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah. Abraham begins to NEGOTIATE with God! (verse 24; "Peradventure there be fifty righteous within the city: wilt thou also destroy and not spare the place for the fifty righteous that are therein?) The negotiation goes on and on till Abraham whittles the Lord down to (theoretically) 10 righteous men. Talk about cheeky.

Chapter 19 provides a further insight. The two angels (having departed and arrived in Sodom) tell Lot to "...escape to the mountain, lest thou be consumed." (verse 17) Lot isn't entirely content with being saved--oh no!--he prefers to pick his OWN destination. (city of Zo-ar; verses 18-22) More incredible yet, God says in verse 22; "Haste thee, escape thither; for I CANNOT DO ANY THING till thou come thither." Astonishing! Lot revises God's plan (of saving HIS skin) and holds up proceedings until he can get to Zo-ar.

Genesis chapter 32, verse 24-30, allows us a remarkable look at a wrestling match between Jacob and God. (or, at the least, God's proxy) The upshot is Jacob prevails (though his thigh becomes, "out of joint") and demands not only a blessing, but to know his adversaries name. (knowing a persons name in ancient times was equal to having power over them; see, the Tetragrammaton) Instead, God changes Jacob's name to Israel, (meaning; 'struggle with God') blesses him, and goes on his way. Jacob is so moved by the encounter he renames the place Peniel (literally, 'the face of God') for he has "seen God face to face, and my life is preserved."

To recap, we see it is entirely possible to: 1) negotiate with 2) alter the plans of, or 3) fight with God, and still remain in His good graces. In fact, we see it is conceivable to ask for a BLESSING while we wrestle with Him! And it matters not one whit whether we take the scripture literally or figuratively--as metaphor it still retains its instructive value.

Psalm 96:1 (as well as the 98th and 149th) suggest we "sing unto the Lord a new song." (Just a mellow old river cruising along--twisting and turning and SINGING my song--its not always happy, lively, or gay--but there's usually truth in what I say) [see, Aurora 7-20-12, 'Ol Man Grogs'] Whether it's one of negotiation, alteration, or contention, let your voice be heard. God will stoop to pick up every note.

Monday, January 26, 2015


It is important to understand that no scripture, idea, concept, or person's opinion, can encompass the "totality" of what is referred to as 'God.' We simply don't know what we don't know. And unless you are God, how can you declare the extent or limitation of what is possible? Accepting our ignorance of the totality of God, we can then intellectually (and honestly) allow for individual manifestations of ASPECTS of that God. One need only study a snowflake in juxtaposition to 'snow' to glimpse the possible truth of such an idea.

Your paradoxical partner on your life's journey is your ego. On the one hand it will strife to glorify the self (look at me-me-me!). On the other, it will forever be whispering, "you're not good enough." This conflicted image of oneself can lead to a host of unwanted behaviors. While attempting to quiet the saboteur, you mimic actions contrary to self in hopes of acceptance. While desire for personal and social acceptance are powerful, if  'you' are misrepresented in the process what have you gained? Validation of the inauthentic self. This reinforces the subconscious tape, "I'm not good enough," and conflict continues. (neuroses)

Unifying contrary aspects of self begins with acceptance. Unless and until you come to terms with your behavior--be it lying, drug use, physical violence, infidelity, etc.--you give yourself  'permission' to continue said behavior. Denial and deflection are nothing more than "coping mechanisms" that allow a continuation of this false sense of self. (dichotomy) Only ownership of action can create the construct necessary for change.

The change we wish for is a cohesive demonstration of self. This must include an understanding of the spiritual component intrinsic to all human beings. Spirit is the traditional believe in a "vital principle or animating force within living beings." Spiritual then, is; "pertaining to, consisting of, or having the nature of spirit or a spirit; not tangible or material." Disregard or dismissal of this fundamental part of our being leads to an incomplete, skewed view of who we are. This misunderstanding allows the ego a continued domination of interpretation regarding the events in our life.

Suppose, instead, entertaining the idea that you can manifest aspects of God--rather than your ego. Since the totality of the God we talk about is beyond our comprehension, we must allow for anything and everything being possible. Part of what is possible is tapping the unlimited potential that exists at the core of your being. You know its there. You've eyed it, whispered to it, even felt it from time to time. You've also been terrified of it because it removes all your excuses. It holds you accountable. It proclaims nothing is impossible if you apply all that you are and all that you wish to be. Truth be told, you prefer knowing its there than in putting it to the test. Because you know for a certainty that your ego will say you aren't good enough--and you'll believe that twice as fast and far easier than any silly notion about God. Which, unfortunately, answers any and all questions about the title of this post...