Sunday, December 15, 2013


December 9th I posted Just For Fun and listed my top 10 books. I forgot one. And it is altogether too charming to exclude. So let me introduce 10b; "The Book of the Dun Cow" by Walter Wangerin. This tale has little to do with the dun cow and much to do with Chauntecleer, a rooster of good repute. Chauntecleer's profession was crowing and he was responsible for crowing the "Canonicals." These were set times of day and would lend "direction and meaning" for the animals in his care. They enabled the animals to know "the day is our day, because Chauntecleer has made it ours," through familiarity and that "the day should hold no strangeness nor fear for them."

Remembering the canonicals, I had the thought to incorporate them into my daily life. Please realize I haven't any idea what the proper or correct way is to pray the "office." (one term used to describe the canonicals) Only that they entail much more praying than I'm going to do. No, I just want to use them in such a way I stay orientated--adjusting to the challenges and opportunities of the day. I want you to give thought to including them in your day.

Awakening:    LAUDS               Rejoice and be glad
6:00 AM         PRIME                Greet this day with love
9:00 AM         TERCE               Work is love made visible
12:00 PM       SEXT                  The best is yet to come
3:00 PM         NONE                 Bless my efforts
6:00 PM         VESPERS          Oh! Holy night
Bedtime:        COMPLINE         Thank you

Understand you are free to make any changes you wish. This is just a structure for you to use. Many of you don't rise till 9 or 10 AM. No matter. And your prayers may differ significantly than mine. All to the good! Personalize them--make them your own.

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