Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Round Two

A further word or two on the ego may be in order. Having awoke to such a dramatic illustration of what I was addressing yesterday, (see Update link from yesterday's post) I am also aware that my language was imprecise. That isn't an ego out of control, it is a human being. The ego is VERY MUCH in control. Whoever that individual is, he is obviously in a bad way. He justifies parking in a handicap spot because he is driving a Ferrari. He is ready to engage in physical violence because his car is being disrespected (which in his mind he has identified with to such an extent it is he himself being disrespected). A revealing non-sequitur can be heard when he states; "...I can buy your whole family, mother****er."

Its easy to sit back and say this individual is an asshole. Doing so, though, judges him. That's the ego's game. Better to simply observe. However, and this is key, if you do find yourself judging him, don't beat yourself up for judging! It is said, what you resists, persists. If we wish to move past judging, we must allow for the realization that we ourselves judge. (It is impossible to fix a problem that we are unaware of.) So realizing we in fact do judge, and not judging ourselves harshly for it, is the first degree of separation necessary. It creates space for something else (other thoughts, emotions, reactions, observations) to cohabitate along side your judgment. It is a start.

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